
IJAT Vol.14 No.3 pp. 409-416
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2020.p0409

Technical Paper:

Automating Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machine Tools

Guido Florussen, Koen Houben, Henny Spaan, and Theresa Spaan-Burke

IBS Precision Engineering BV
201 Esp, Eindhoven 5633AD, Netherlands

Corresponding author

October 30, 2019
December 27, 2019
May 5, 2020
5-axis machine tools, machine correction, metrology, non-contact

A wireless non-contact 3D measuring head is used to determine the accuracy of 5-axis machine tools. The measuring head is inserted in the spindle by the tool exchanger automating the measurement routine used. For checking the linear machine axes, a cross shaped artefact containing 13 precision balls is introduced, named Position Inspector, enabling the determination of positioning and straightness errors of two linear axes in one setup. The squareness error between both axes is also determined in this setup. This artefact can be mounted on a pallet system for automatic loading and is measured in a bi-directional run. This artefact can be measured in different orientations (i.e., horizontal, inclined, vertical) and is pre-calibrated with a CMM. The measurement sequence using this artefact is executed in eight minutes and its design and support system is addressed in this paper. The location errors and orientation errors of the axis average line (or pivot line) of both rotary axes are determined with the Rotary Inspector using the same measuring head with a single precision ball. For this, kinematic tests are used from ISO10791-6, e.g., the BK1 test, BK2 test which apply for trunnion or swivel table machines. Derived parameters can be used for machine correction resulting in a significantly improved machine accuracy. An example is given where this correction is performed automatically by implementing this measurement system in the machine’s controller. Finally the machine tool is tested using the BK4 test. For this test all 5-axes are moved simultaneously and the measured displacements between the machine’s spindle and table in X-, Y-, and Z-directions are compared to tolerance levels. This final test reveals the machine’s overall accuracy and dynamic behavior.

Cite this article as:
G. Florussen, K. Houben, H. Spaan, and T. Spaan-Burke, “Automating Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machine Tools,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.14 No.3, pp. 409-416, 2020.
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