
IJAT Vol.14 No.1 pp. 18-25
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2020.p0018


Applicability of Diamond-Coated Tools for Ball End Milling of Sintered Tungsten Carbide

Haruhiko Suwa*,†, Soushi Sakamoto**, Masafumi Nagata***, Kazuhiro Tezuka***, and Tetsuo Samukawa*

*Faculty of Science and Engineering, Setsunan University
17-8 Ikeda-naka-machi, Neyagawa, Osaka 572-8508, Japan

Corresponding author

**A.L.M.T. Corp., Hyogo, Japan

***DIJET, Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan

June 17, 2019
October 28, 2019
January 5, 2020
sintered tungsten carbide, dry cutting, diamond-coated ball end mill, cutting distance, surface roughness

Sintered tungsten carbide which has high hardness and high heat resistance, has been widely used in molds and dies. Research on the development of a cutting technology for sintered tungsten carbide (sintered WC-Co alloy) has been pursued mainly with the use of a turning process. We focused on building an efficient milling method for sintered tungsten carbide by using diamond-coated ball end tools, and have investigated their basic properties under specific cutting conditions. This study extends our previous work by enhancing cutting distance in the milling of sintered tungsten carbide, especially that with a “fine” WC grain. The surface roughness of cut workpieces is evaluated from the point of view of the quality of surface roughness. A series of cutting experiments under different cutting conditions were carried out, and the possibility of deriving a suitable cutting condition for the ball end milling of sintered tungsten carbide is discussed.

Cite this article as:
H. Suwa, S. Sakamoto, M. Nagata, K. Tezuka, and T. Samukawa, “Applicability of Diamond-Coated Tools for Ball End Milling of Sintered Tungsten Carbide,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.14 No.1, pp. 18-25, 2020.
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