
IJAT Vol.13 No.5 pp. 671-678
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2019.p0671


Generation of a High-Precision Digital Elevation Model for Fields in Mountain Regions Using RTK-GPS

Liangliang Yang*,†, Hao Guo**, Shuming Yang**, Yohei Hoshino*, Soichiro Suzuki*, Dehua Gao**, and Ying Cao*

*Kitami Institute of Technology
165 Koen-cho, Kitami-shi, Hokkaido 090-8507, Japan

Corresponding author

**Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China

November 7, 2017
June 29, 2019
September 5, 2019
DEM, RTK-GPS, high precision, mountain regions, dynamic interpolation

In modern agriculture, many advanced automated devices are used on farms. To improve the working efficiency of agricultural vehicles, fields are expected to be pre-leveled, because the vehicles work more effectively on a flat field. Leveling a field requires the current field elevation map. Some farmers in Japan have begun to use high-precision real-time kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS)-based self-steering tractors in the fields. This study uses the RTK-GPS information from a self-steering tractor system to generate a digital elevation model (DEM) especially in mountain regions where the fields are not flat. In addition, all of the information is from the self-steering system with the result that farmers can use the method of this study without additional instruments. However, the GPS receiver sometimes cannot obtain high-quality signals from satellites in mountain regions. Therefore, this study focuses on how to create a high-precision DEM even when a GPS signal is unavailable. It proposes a dynamic interpolation method for generating a DEM. In addition, a test was conducted in a field in a mountain region. The test results show that the dynamic interpolation method can provide an accuracy of less than 0.03 m in the test field for creating a DEM.

Cite this article as:
L. Yang, H. Guo, S. Yang, Y. Hoshino, S. Suzuki, D. Gao, and Y. Cao, “Generation of a High-Precision Digital Elevation Model for Fields in Mountain Regions Using RTK-GPS,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.13 No.5, pp. 671-678, 2019.
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