
IJAT Vol.8 No.1 pp. 110-119
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2014.p0110


System Identification Method for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System Incorporating Mechanical Oscillation Part

Norihiro Koizumi*, Kouhei Oota*, Dongjun Lee*,
Hiroyuki Tsukihara**, Akira Nomiya**, Kiyoshi Yoshinaka***,
Takashi Azuma*, Naohiko Sugita*, Yukio Homma**,
Yoichiro Matsumoto*, and Mamoru Mitsuishi*

*School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

**School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

***National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 1-2-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8564, Japan

August 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
January 5, 2014
high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS), technologizing and digitalizing medical professional skills (TDMPS), theragnostics, motion tracking
In this paper, we propose a method for identifying systems incorporating a mechanical oscillation part for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system(NIUTS). The NIUTS tracks and follows movement in an area requiring treatment (renal stones, in this study) by irradiating the area with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Blur noise caused by oscillation of the mechanical system adversely affects the servo performance. To solve this problem and enhance the servo performance, it is first necessary to identify those parts of the NIUTS system that incorporate a mechanical oscillation part. Secondly, we implemented a mechanical oscillation suppression filter based on the abovementioned method for identifying the mechanical oscillation part.
Cite this article as:
N. Koizumi, K. Oota, D. Lee, H. Tsukihara, A. Nomiya, K. Yoshinaka, T. Azuma, N. Sugita, Y. Homma, Y. Matsumoto, and M. Mitsuishi, “System Identification Method for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System Incorporating Mechanical Oscillation Part,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.8 No.1, pp. 110-119, 2014.
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