
IJAT Vol.8 No.1 pp. 62-71
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2014.p0062


Quality Control in the Third Generation of ISO – New Quality Engineering for Biochemical Analysis –

Yasuo Iwaki

Chaos Applied Research Office, 4-55 Otabicho, Koga, Fushimiku, Kyoto 612-8493, Japan

August 10, 2013
November 1, 2013
January 5, 2014
QE, QC, QA, ISO-GUM, MCMC Inference
Since the uncertainty of measurement data was becoming complicated, ISO-26000s of the third generation was created from the technical field of Quality Control (QC). QC engineering started the first generation of ISO-9000s. The second generation of ISO-14000s and the innovation has continued up to now with new the third generation of ISO-26000s. The first generation has established a critical reliance and an assurance. A Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Reliance (QR) are problems utmost importance. The second generation has planned predication technology for QC. Further more Environment Assessment (EA) is important for the QA performance. Significant improvement is necessary better accuracy. Furthermore, performing management was adapted for EA. is represented by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA). Many rules for QC are made by the related organization. The third generation established a timeframe for making it sustainable to deliver social responsibility inmarket dealings. This study considers the third generation for biochemical analysis, and the verification is performed in the calibration curve. The first generation and the second generation are standard and regulation in nature, whereas the third generation is mere guidance and do not mandatory.
Cite this article as:
Y. Iwaki, “Quality Control in the Third Generation of ISO – New Quality Engineering for Biochemical Analysis –,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.8 No.1, pp. 62-71, 2014.
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