
IJAT Vol.6 No.4 pp. 509-515
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2012.p0509


3D Tube Forming and Applications of a New Bending Machine with Hydraulic Parallel Kinematics

Hiroyuki Goto*, Yutaka Tanaka**, and Ken Ichiryu***

*Technical Research Institute, Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry, 1-1-12 Hachiman-cho, Higashikurume-shi, Tokyo 203-0042, Japan

**Faculty of Engineering & Design, Hosei University, 2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8160, Japan

***Kikuchi Seisakusho Co., Ltd., 2161 Miyama-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0152, Japan

February 2, 2012
April 23, 2012
July 5, 2012
parallel kinematics, hexapod, hydraulic servo, tube bending
This research presents a new versatile bending machine and its practical applications. The proposed machine uses a new method. When tubes are fed into the fixed and mobile dies, they are bent by shifting the relative position of the mobile die. The bending radius is controlled by the relative distance and orientation between the mobile die and the tube. The bending angle is controlled by the length of the fed tube. This forming process has a big advantage. A change in the expected bending shape will need no change in the tooling system but only a new definition of the motion of the active die and the length of the fed tube. Active die movements are controlled by a 6-DOF Parallel KinematicsMechanism (PKM) with a hydraulic servo drive. Making use of the hydraulic PKM serves not only to achieve a complete motion along six axes but also to obtain the high dynamic motion of the bending machine. Application examples show that the bending machine can be applied to a designer’s furniture and universal designed products. Until now, these processes have been difficult to achieve using a conventional bending machine.
Cite this article as:
H. Goto, Y. Tanaka, and K. Ichiryu, “3D Tube Forming and Applications of a New Bending Machine with Hydraulic Parallel Kinematics,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.6 No.4, pp. 509-515, 2012.
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