
IJAT Vol.4 No.2 pp. 110-116
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2010.p0110


On-Demand MEMS Device Production System by Module-Based Microfactory

Kiwamu Ashida, Shizuka Nakano, Jaehyuk Park, and Jun Akedo

Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute (AMRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial and Science Technology (AIST), 1-2-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8564, Japan

November 4, 2009
February 3, 2010
March 5, 2010
micro-press, micro-mirror scanner, reconfigurable, flexible, automation, aerosol deposition method
Many micro-scale devices have been developed by applying micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, but MEMS production facilities are large and costly, making it difficult to develop small numbers of trial devices. The novel on-demand MEMS device production system we developed applies two major concepts – that of the microfactory and the introduction of non-MEMS processes in microfabrication. These two concepts have made manufacturing more ecological, economical, agile, and flexible through downsizing, forming an automated production line by connecting standardized unit-processing cells, each of which has a desktop process, a part transfer robot, and a standardized connection interface. These enable any process cell to be connected in any sequence that the target product requires. Four unit-process cells were developed – the micropress cell for fabricating microstructures from thin sheet metal and the miniature aerosol deposition (AD) process cell for fabricating high-performance piezoelectric (PZT) ceramics actuators. The feasibility of the on-demand MEMS production system was demonstrated by the fabrication of a MEMS-like micromirror scanner, proving the potential of on-demand MEMS production in diversified small-lot production.
Cite this article as:
K. Ashida, S. Nakano, J. Park, and J. Akedo, “On-Demand MEMS Device Production System by Module-Based Microfactory,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.4 No.2, pp. 110-116, 2010.
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