
IJAT Vol.3 No.5 pp. 561-568
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2009.p0561


Proposed Isocontraction Training with Muscle Strengthening and Evaluation Using MR Fluid Brakes

Kunihiko Oda*, Takehito Kikuchi**, Yuki Oyama**, and Junji Furusho**

*Dept. of Physical Therapy, Osaka Electro-Communication University, 1130-70 Kiyotaki, Shijonawate, Osaka 575-0063, Japan

**Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

June 4, 2009
July 24, 2009
September 5, 2009
muscle training machine, controllable brake, isokinetic exercise, MR fluid
Isokinetic exercises used in rehabilitation to strengthen muscles often require expensive exercise equipment. The safe isokinetic exercise system we developed uses only brakes with electrorheological (ER) or magnetorheological (MR) functional fluid. Rapid fluid response gives this equipment good response and control. In the sections that follow, we give basic isokinetic exercise concepts using an MR fluid brake, focusing on high-speed control of 900 deg/s at the elbow. We also suggest a new training mode we call isocontraction exercise.
Cite this article as:
K. Oda, T. Kikuchi, Y. Oyama, and J. Furusho, “Proposed Isocontraction Training with Muscle Strengthening and Evaluation Using MR Fluid Brakes,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.3 No.5, pp. 561-568, 2009.
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