
IJAT Vol.3 No.2 pp. 123-129
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2009.p0123

Development Report:

Intelligent Home-Automation Security System

Ting-Li Chien*, Kuo-Lan Su**, and Jr-Hung Guo***

*Department of Electronic Engineering, Wu-Feng Institute of Technology
117, Sec. 2, Chian-Kuo Rd., Ming-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 621, R.O.C.

**Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science &Technology,
123, Sec. 3, University Rd., Touliu, Yunlin, Taiwan 640, R.O.C.

***Graduate school Engineering Science and technology, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology
123, Sec. 3, University Rd., Touliu, Yunlin, Taiwan 640, R.O.C.

November 28, 2008
January 20, 2009
March 5, 2009
home automation, wireless RF interface, general user interface
The objective of the home security detection and appliance control system is to protect occupants against events -- many of which are attributable to human error. We have developed a module based security system for home automation. The structure of the security system is divided into many modules. Each module in the home -- automation security system we develop has a wireless RF and a speech interface. They contain fire detection module, intruder detection module, environment detection module, gas detection module, (AC) power detection and diagnosis module, appliance control module and team robots. In the security detection module, we use multisensor fusion algorithms to decide an exact output. In the application control module, we use two-wire communication via wireless RF interface. These modules have event-condition voice alarms, and send the real-time status to the master controller. In the smart team robot system, we have designed many smart robots for the security system. We have designed a general user interface (GUI) for the intelligent security system. The user interface can supervise these modules and team robots via wireless RF interface, and use wireless Internet and mobile phone for remote supervision.
Cite this article as:
T. Chien, K. Su, and J. Guo, “Intelligent Home-Automation Security System,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.3 No.2, pp. 123-129, 2009.
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