
IJAT Vol.2 No.6 pp. 468-471
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2008.p0468

Development Report:

Powder Laser Sintering RP System (EOSINT): Its Updates and Applications to Product Manufacturing

Haruo Furukawa

RP Systems Division, NTT Data Engineering Systems. Ltd.
NOF Techno Port Kamata Center Building, 2-16-1 Minami-Kamata, Ohta Ward, Tokyo 144-0035, Japan

March 18, 2008
April 28, 2008
November 5, 2008
rapid prototyping system, laser sintering, rapid manufacturing, mass customization, medical application
Rapid Prototyping (RP) System has become an essential tool in the designing and prototyping phases of product development by virtue of its remarkable technological progress. Among other things, moldings made by the powder laser sintering RP system can be used for actual products in terms of mechanical properties and time-tested stability, as well as fewer manufacturing constraints as compared with the conventional methods will enable design-driven product designs. This paper provides the latest information concerning application of the RP system to manufacturing of actual products.
Cite this article as:
H. Furukawa, “Powder Laser Sintering RP System (EOSINT): Its Updates and Applications to Product Manufacturing,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.2 No.6, pp. 468-471, 2008.
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