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Realization of Tubeless Stage in Semiconductor Exposure System
Yuichi Shibazaki
Next Generation Project Section, Development Headquarters, Precision Equipment Company, Nikon Corporation
Received:September 3, 2007Accepted:January 22, 2008Published:March 5, 2008
Keywords:positioning, air-bearing, counter-mass, symmetry, center of gravity
We realized super fine positioning of the stage which is applied for the step and scan lithography apparatus using the following technologies. - Direct drive concept (not using "fine and coarse" stage configuration) - Newly developed air-bearing without moving tube for air supply. - Simple and light weight configuration - 3DOF (X Y Tz) counter-mass - Compensation of motor force ripple - Symmetry structure and driving at center of gravity
Cite this article as:Y. Shibazaki, “Realization of Tubeless Stage in Semiconductor Exposure System,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.2 No.2, pp. 119-123, 2008.Data files: