

[IJAT] Indexed in DOAJ
[IJAT] DOAJに収載されました

Indexed in DOAJ

International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
DOAJ is a database of Open Access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA), UK. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed journals which satisfy the strict criteria. In recent years where predatory journals become a social problem, DOAJ is known as “white list” of non-predatory journals and it guarantees the journal’s reliability. It is also expected to increase IJAT’s international recognition and accessibility.
We would like to express our gratitude to all concerned, and will make efforts to further improve the journal value.
DOAJ indexed:

January 13, 2022
IJAT Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


この度、International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT)誌がDOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)に収載されました。
DOAJは、英国Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA)が運営するオープンアクセスジャーナルのデータベースで、厳格な基準を満たす、高品質の査読付きジャーナルを収載しています。ハゲタカジャーナルが社会問題化している昨今、DOAJはハゲタカでない優良OAジャーナルのホワイトリストと呼ばれ、DOAJに登録されたことで信頼性が保証され、国際的な認知度やアクセシビリティが高まることも期待されます。

富士技術出版株式会社 IJAT編集部

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Last updated on Oct. 19, 2024