
JACIII Vol.13 No.6 p. 599
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2009.p0599


Special Issue on New Trends in Reinforcement Learning

Kazuteru Miyazaki and Keiki Takadama

*1Associate Professor, Department of Assessment and Research for degree Awarding, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, Japan

*2Associate Professor, Department of Human Communication, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Comunications, Japan

November 20, 2009

Recently, the tailor-made system that grants an individual request has been recognized as the important approach. Such a system requires the ggoal-directed learningh through interaction between user and system, which is mainly addressed in greinforcement learningh domain.

This special issue on gNew Trends in Reinforcement Learningh called for papers on the cuttingedge research exploring the goal-directed learning, which represents reinforcement learning. Many contributions were forthcoming, but we finally selected 12 works for publication. Although greinforcement learningh is included in the title of this special issue, the research works do not necessarily have to be on reinforcement learning itself, so long as the theme coincides with that of this special issue. In making our final selections, we gave special consideration to the kinds of research which can actively lead to new trends in reinforcement learning.

Of the 12 papers in this special issue, the first four mainly deal with the expansion of the reinforcement learning method in single agent environments. These cover a broad range of research, from works based on dynamic programming to exploitation-oriented methods.

The next two works deal with the Learning Classifier System (LCS), which applies the rule discovery mechanism to reinforcement learning. LCS is a technique with a long history, but for this issue, we were able to publish two theoretical works.

We are also grateful to Prof. Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, and Prof. Kaoru Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, the editors-in-chief, and the NASTEC 2008 conference staff for inviting us to guest-edit this Journal.

The next four papers mainly deal with multi agent environments. We were able to draw from a wide range of research: from measuring interaction, through the expansion of techniques incorporating simultaneous learning, to research leading to application in multi agent environments.

The last two contributions mainly deal with application. We publish one paper on exemplar generalization and another detailing the successful application to government bond trading.

Each of these researches can be considered to be at the cutting-edge of reinforcement learning. We would like to end by saying that we hope this special issue constitutes a large contribution to the development of the field while holding a wide international appeal.

Cite this article as:
K. Miyazaki and K. Takadama, “Special Issue on New Trends in Reinforcement Learning,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.13 No.6, p. 599, 2009.
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