
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2019

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 11 Vol.10
Modeling and Force Control of Thin Soft McKibben Actuator
Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi, Noor Hanis Izzuddin Mat Lazim, and Koichi Suzumori
system identification, thin soft actuator, ARX model, force control, PID-PSO
No.2 3 Vol.13
Machining of Smooth Optical Surfaces by Ultraprecision Milling with Compensated Feeding Mechanisms
Hideo Takino and Yoshimi Takeuchi
milling, ultraprecision, waviness, surface, diamond cutting
No.3 10 Vol.13
Study on Polishing Characteristics of Pyramidal Structured Polishing Pad
Ryunosuke Sato and Yoshio Ichida
pyramidal structured polishing pad, polishing characteristics, true polishing pressure, removal rate, surface roughness
No.3 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.4 11 Vol.12
Geometric Error Compensation of Five-Axis Machining Centers Based on On-Machine Workpiece Measurement
Ryuta Sato and Keiichi Shirase
five-axis machining center, geometric error, observation equation, compensation, on-machine measurement
No.5 10 Vol.13
Surface Finishing of Single-Crystal SiC and GaN Wafers Using a Magnetic Tool in H2O2 Solution
Akihisa Kubota
SiC, GaN, surface smoothing, OH radical, abrasive Fe
No.5 4 Vol.13
Ultrasonic-Assisted Innovative Polyurethane Tool to Polish Mold Steel
Ming-Yi Tsai, Yue-Feng Lin, Jihng-Kuo Ho, and Jing-Guang Yang
ultrasonic, hardened Stavax stainless mold steel, polyurethane tool
No.5 2 Vol.11
Recent Advances in Multiaxis Control and Multitasking Machining
Keiichi Nakamoto and Yoshimi Takeuchi
multiaxis control, multitasking, multifunctional machine tool, CAM, complicated part

Count period : April 1-30, 2019

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