
JRM Vol.36 No.4 pp. 879-888
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2024.p0879


Development of Driving Robot and Driver Model Applied Regenerative Brake Control of Electrified Vehicles

Nobunori Okui

National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
7-42-27 Jindaiji-higashi, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0012, Japan

December 27, 2023
May 13, 2024
August 20, 2024
driver model, driving robot, regenerative brake control, electric vehicle, vehicle dynamics

Real driving emissions (RDE) test procedures for type approval were initiated in Japan in 2022. In Japan, the test vehicle is driven on a test road (test course) by tracing the speed pattern prepared for each RDE test. The vehicle needs to trace the patterns in the same manner as in the conventional chassis dynamometer test. The use of a driving robot is effective for reproducibility in precisely tracing the target vehicle speed during these tests. In this study, we developed a driving robot for electrified vehicles (HEV, plug-in HEV, BEV, and FCV), which have regenerative brake-control systems. We applied a new logic to our robot that was developed in-house for conventional engine vehicles. We focused on braking deceleration of the regenerative brake control to change the operation timing from the accelerator pedal to the brake pedal. We verified the improvement of speed traceability of the driving robot installed with the proposed logic on the chassis dynamometer and test road.

Driving robot operation with pedal-changing logic

Driving robot operation with pedal-changing logic

Cite this article as:
N. Okui, “Development of Driving Robot and Driver Model Applied Regenerative Brake Control of Electrified Vehicles,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.36 No.4, pp. 879-888, 2024.
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