MGV Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory Generation Considering Vehicle Shape
Yoshihide Arai, Takashi Sago, Yuki Ueyama, and Masanori Harada
National Defense Academy of Japan
1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-8686, Japan
This study investigates the application of obstacle avoidance trajectory generation considering the vehicle shape of a micro ground vehicle by successive convexification and state-triggered constraints. The avoidance trajectory is generated by numerical computation and path-following experiments are conducted to assess the generated trajectory. The numerical computation results indicate that the trajectory obtained by the algorithm successfully avoids obstacles considering the vehicle shape and satisfies the constraints. The experiment includes the model predictive control to follow the generated trajectory. Numerical computations and experiments confirm the usefulness of the trajectory generation algorithm.

Obstacle avoidance by compound STCs
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