Local and Global Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Hierarchized Maps
Nobuyuki Matsui*, Isuru Jayarathne**, Hiroaki Kageyama***, Keitaro Naruse**, Kazuki Urabe*, Ryota Sakamoto*, Tomoaki Mashiko***, Seiya Kumada***, Yuichi Yaguchi**, Makoto Yashiro**, Yasutsugu Ishibashi*, and Miki Yutani*
*TIS Inc.
17-1 Nishishinjuku 8-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
**University of Aizu
Tsuruga, Ikki-machi, Aizu Wakamatsu City, Fukushima 965-8580, Japan
***Japan Advanced System, Ltd.
128-27 Kitsuneishi, Morijuku, Sukagawa City, Fukushima 962-0001, Japan
We are currently facing a “labor crisis,” particularly in the field of logistics, because of reductions in the labor force. Therefore, industries must make their logistics more efficient by utilizing autonomous mobile robotics technologies. This paper proposes a hierarchized map concept that makes unmanned delivery tasks which use multiple autonomous robots more efficiently. Using our proposed concept, an autonomous mobile robot can move automatically on a more efficient path than using current methods. In addition, the management platform for autonomous robots can be used to prevent accidents such as collisions or deadlocks between autonomous robots.

The proposed hierarchized map structure
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