
JRM Vol.33 No.1 pp. 172-179
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2021.p0172

Development Report:

Development of the Second Prototype of an Oral Care Simulator

Tomomi Daigo*, Masumi Muramatsu**, and Atsushi Mitani***

*Daigo Tomomi Works
1341-4-105 Tanida-cho, Ikoma, Nara 630-0251, Japan

**School of Nursing, Sapporo City University
Nishi 13, Kita 11, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0011, Japan

***School of Design, Sapporo City University
1 Geijyutsu-no-mori, Minami-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0864, Japan

June 4, 2020
December 22, 2020
February 20, 2021
oral care, simulator, nursing education, 3D printing, interactive system

Oral care is crucial to preventing diseases and maintaining the quality of life of elderly people. To create an effective training environment for nursing students, we developed a second prototype of an oral care simulator that can guide and record oral care practices. The simulator has three components: (1) a dentition model with pressure sensors, (2) a microcomputer to record signals, and (3) software for visualization. We proposed a novel mechanism to detect brushing behavior using pressure sensors and developed software to visualize the records of oral care practice. We calibrated the system to estimate the weights applied in the dentition model using a brush and verified that the calibration increased the accuracy of the estimation.

Developed oral care simulator

Developed oral care simulator

Cite this article as:
T. Daigo, M. Muramatsu, and A. Mitani, “Development of the Second Prototype of an Oral Care Simulator,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.33 No.1, pp. 172-179, 2021.
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