Method to Expand the CMAC Model to Composite-Type Model
Jiro Morimoto*, Makoto Horio**, Yoshio Kaji*, Junji Kawata*, Mineo Higuchi*, and Shoichiro Fujisawa*
*Tokushima Bunri University
1314-1 Shido, Sanuki-si, Kagawa 769-2193, Japan
**Art Information Institute
1968 Hara, Mure, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0123, Japan
Neural networks (NNs) are effective for the learning of nonlinear systems, and thus they achieve satisfactory results in various fields. However, they require significant amount of training data and learning time. Notably, the cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC), which is modeled after the cerebellar neural transmission system, proposed by Albus can effectively reduce learning time, compared with NNs. The CMAC model is often used to learn nonlinear systems that have continuously changing outputs, i.e., regression problems. However, the structure of the CMAC model must be expanded to apply it to classification problems as well. Additionally, the CMAC model finds it difficult to simultaneously classify categories and estimate their proportional linear measure because designated learning algorithms are required for both regression and classification problems. Therefore, we aim to build a composite-type CMAC model that combines classification and regression algorithms to simultaneously classify categories and estimate their proportional linear measures.

Structure of the expanded CMAC model
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