
JRM Vol.30 No.6 pp. 1014-1018
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2018.p1014


Dynamic Friction Characterization of a Linear Servo Motor Using an Optimal Sinusoidal Reference Tracking Controller

Danial Waleed, Hafiz M. Usman, and Rached Dhaouadi

American University of Sharjah
P.O. Box 26666 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

March 24, 2018
October 3, 2018
December 20, 2018
friction characterization, linear motor, sinusoidal tracking

This letter presents the design of an optimal sinusoidal tracking and disturbance rejection controller for a linear voice-coil motor. The optimal tracking and disturbance rejection system is used to characterize the nonlinear dynamic friction of the servo motor. The control scheme allows investigating the hysteresis characteristics of friction as a function of frequency. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed identification procedure for the dynamic friction estimation.

Hardware setup for friction estimation

Hardware setup for friction estimation

Cite this article as:
D. Waleed, H. Usman, and R. Dhaouadi, “Dynamic Friction Characterization of a Linear Servo Motor Using an Optimal Sinusoidal Reference Tracking Controller,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.30 No.6, pp. 1014-1018, 2018.
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