Development of a Programming Teaching-Aid Robot with Intuitive Motion Instruction Set
Takafumi Noguchi*, Hidekazu Kajiwara**, Kazunori Chida*, and Sakae Inamori*
*National Institute of Technology, Kushiro College
2-32-1 Otanoshike-Nishi, Kushiro, Hokkaido 084-0916, Japan
**Muroran Institute of Technology
27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido 050-8585, Japan
A robot that consists of a compact disc (CD) and an embedded microcomputer has been developed as a robotics learning tool for elementary and junior high school students. The students can program the robot to draw a variety of shapes by placing a pen in the center hole of the CD. As the movement track of the robot can be recorded, the students can preserve their devised program execution results. In addition, intuitive instructions can be used to control the robot. This allows to input the program by operating several push-button switches. The program instructions can be viewed on the robot’s 8 LEDs-display interface. This robot is a unique teaching tool, which can be used to learn the mechanism of the robot composed of sensors, actuators, and a computer, without using a personal computer.

The robot with intuitive motion instruction set
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