
JRM Vol.28 No.3 pp. 334-342
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0334


Flight Characteristics of Quad Rotor Helicopter with Thrust Vectoring Equipment

Akitaka Imamura*, Masafumi Miwa**, and Junichi Hino**

*Osaka Sangyo University
3-1-1 Nakagaito, Daito, Osaka 574-8530, Japan

**Tokushima University
2-1 Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima 770-8506, Japan

September 26, 2015
March 21, 2016
June 20, 2016
quad rotor, UAV, ducted fan, extra thruster, tilting rotor
A quad rotor helicopter (QRH) is a radio controlled (RC) aircraft that tilts its attitude to generate a horizontal force component to move in a certain direction. Using autonomous control, the attitude control system tilts the airframe against disturbances, such as wind. Thus, the attitude of a flying QRH is always slanted. In this study, three types of deflecting thruster were compared to maintain the position and horizontal attitude of the QRH. The extra thrusters are tilted to generate a thrust against disturbances without causing the airframe to incline. It is suitable for precise measurements for which the airframe posture should remain horizontal.
Thrust vectoring mechanisms for WRH

Thrust vectoring mechanisms for WRH

Cite this article as:
A. Imamura, M. Miwa, and J. Hino, “Flight Characteristics of Quad Rotor Helicopter with Thrust Vectoring Equipment,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.28 No.3, pp. 334-342, 2016.
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