Communication Method of Time Synchronization and Strength Using Haptic Interface
Takashi Asakawa* and Noriyuki Kawarazaki**
*Kinki University Technical College, 7-1 Kasugaoka, Nabari, Mie 518-0459, Japan
**Kanagawa Institute of Technology, 1030 Shimo-Ogino, Atsugi-Shi, Kanagawa 243-0292, Japan

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Supporting Online Materials: - [16] [a] The education policy of our country [Accessed November 5, 2014] - [17] [b] Lifelong Learning Promotion Law [Accessed November 5, 2014] - [18] [c] Light Center of Kanagawa prefecture, [Accessed November 5, 2014] - [19] [d] Cableless Datalogging System, [Accessed November 5, 2014]
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