
JRM Vol.26 No.1 p. 3
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0003


Message from JRM Editor-in-Chief

Yoshihiro Takita

February 20, 2014
Rapid advances in semiconductors over the last 4 decades has enabled the transition from analog to digital systems and CPU progress from an 0.5 MHz clock rate to 3.5 GHz or higher multi-core processors. Robot-controlled devices also switching from analog to digital has made possible control with a high degree of freedom. Advances like these are expected to continue. On the other hand, an individual human is able to create new high-performance devices and systems by acquiring scientific and technological knowledge of the past generations through education and individual effort. The transmission of technology to next generations is seen as a critical issue in many fields. I believe, however, that one viable method for doing so is by publishing scientific and technological papers and building a knowledge base that is the common property of the human race — which I see this as one of our most important mission. Since its start in 1989 as the worlds’ first journal covering the mechatronics field in addition to robotics, our mission at the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM) has been to make the latest developments and information on Japan’s cutting-edge robotics and mechatronics discoveries widely available to readers overseas. Co-editing the JRM with the Robotics and Mechatronics Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME) from April 1999 has ended at December 2013, and we now make a fresh return to the JRM’s founding principles as our top priority in this year.I on behalf of the Editorial Board would therefore like to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to the past members of our editorial board, to those who contributed their papers to JRM, and to our many domestic and overseas readers. It is our strong resolve to continue upholding the principles we set forth at the time of our founding and to continue disseminating the latest in robotics and mechatronics technologies, taking full advantage of the merits of a journal which does not depend on specific academic societies. In doing this, we are asking for your continuing support as contributors and readers. In the last few years, the impact factor (IF) of the Science Citation Index (SCI) by Thomson Reuters, has been established as a set of evaluation criteria for academic journals that has been applied in some circles to the evaluation of academic papers. Even though there exists some controversy centering on the topic of scientific paper evaluation and the use of impact factors in European and American standards, it remains highly important that we maintain the highest standards of quality in those papers that are published in the JRM. This is done for the purpose of continuing to ensure that the JRM remains highly evaluated worldwide. We are asking for the ongoing support of our contributing researchers, engineers, and readers in this, our continued effort, towards inclusion in the Web of Science.Rest assured that we will continue to provide interesting, intriguing and valuable scientific information as we have in the past.
Cite this article as:
Y. Takita, “Message from JRM Editor-in-Chief,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.26 No.1, p. 3, 2014.
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