
JRM Vol.24 No.1 pp. 244-253
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2012.p0244

Development Report:

Development of the Real-Time Position Detection Sensor for the Small Projected Objects

Yusuke Kuromiya, Satoshi Ashizawa, Daiki Ando, and Takeo Oomichi

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Meijo University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 468-8502, Japan

February 23, 2011
June 8, 2011
February 20, 2012
magnet sensor, small projected object, concealed object, sensor fusion
The ceiling dismantling robot that we developed cuts ceiling boards with a high-pressure water-jet cutter. The cutting operation of the ceiling board is done below the Light-Gauge Steel (LGS) attached to ceiling boards with screws. A magnetic sensor that detects LGS was developed for this robot system. The robot can dismantle ceiling boards because of a successful mock-up experiment. This paper describes the method of screw detection that targets saving water and reducing dust. There are several problems, for example, increased noise and detecting objects as early as possible. The validity of the proposed method was verified by detecting the screws using sensor in an experimental setup.
Cite this article as:
Y. Kuromiya, S. Ashizawa, D. Ando, and T. Oomichi, “Development of the Real-Time Position Detection Sensor for the Small Projected Objects,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.24 No.1, pp. 244-253, 2012.
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