
JRM Vol.23 No.5 pp. 709-716
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2011.p0709


Practice of School Education Using Micro Robots and Verification of its Effectiveness

Daigo Misaki and Koichi Arai

Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kogakuin University, 1-24-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-8677, Japan

February 18, 2011
April 13, 2011
October 20, 2011
education robot, micro robot, vibratory mover mechanism, continuing learning
This paper is to report on the practice of school education using robots and verification of its effectiveness held on the subject of “assembly of robots with off-theshelf commodities” which is mainly intended for elementary and middle school pupils. Use of micro robots as teaching material in the classroom gave a great number of pupils more opportunities to touch robots and find fun in robots. In addition, questionnaire surveys conducted on incumbent teachers who attended the lecture at Kogakuin University have proved it very useful to analyze educational robots which meet the needs in the field of education.
Cite this article as:
D. Misaki and K. Arai, “Practice of School Education Using Micro Robots and Verification of its Effectiveness,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.23 No.5, pp. 709-716, 2011.
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