
JRM Vol.20 No.4 pp. 515-525
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2008.p0515


Target Identification Through Human Pointing Gesture Based on Human-Adaptive Approach

Yusuke Tamura, Masao Sugi, Tamio Arai, and Jun Ota

Research into Artifact, Center for Engineering (RACE), The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-8568, Japan

January 31, 2008
June 24, 2008
August 20, 2008
pointing, context, epistemic action, human-robot interface
We propose a human-adaptive approach for calculating human pointing targets, integrating (1) calculating the user’s subjective pointing direction from finger direction, (2) integrating sensory information obtained from user pointing and contextual information such as user action sequences, and (3) arranging target candidates based on the user’s characteristics of pointing and action sequences. The user's subjective pointing direction is approximated by the linear function with the finger direction. Integration of sensory and contextual information using a probabilistic model enables the system to calculate the target accurately. Using a force-directed approach, we obtained good placement in which false estimations are decreased and not moved much from initial placement. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of our proposal.
Cite this article as:
Y. Tamura, M. Sugi, T. Arai, and J. Ota, “Target Identification Through Human Pointing Gesture Based on Human-Adaptive Approach,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.20 No.4, pp. 515-525, 2008.
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