
JRM Vol.20 No.1 p. 5
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2008.p0005


Congratulations on the 20th Memorial Year!

Makoto Kaneko

February 20, 2008

I am more than happy to congratule you on the 20th year of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM) publication. The first issue was published in June 1989 under the Editor-in-Chief Kazuo Yamafuji, Professor Emeritus of Electro-Communication University. Since then, the Journal has been published bimonthly as a special issue featuring timely topics.

The JRM is the first journal including “Mechatronics” in its name. Through the JRM, much information on robotics and automation proceeded from Japan to around the world. We recognized that there are great needs to provide with the information on robotics and mechatronics with the increase of application technology in this area. Dr. Toshio Fukuda of Nagoya University took over as editor-in-chief in 1990 and has devoted himself to extending the popularity of the JRM through collaboration with academic societies. Thanks to his efforts in 1999, the JRM became technically cosponsored by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME).

I became editor-in-chief in 2000. After an agreement with JSME, we regularly published special issues on ROBOMEC with the support of the Robotics and Mechatronics Division (RMD) of JSME, where ROBOMEC is an annual conference sponsored by the RMD.

Based on peer evaluation, we are recommending that authors submit papers to the JRM. Accepted papers are published after further review in two separate issues. We believe that these two issues highlight JRM as different from other journals.

Currently, the number of papers submitted yearly is increasing with the recognition of this journal. Our policy is to publish papers on timely, original topics. I look forward to the JRM gaining an ever higher reputation thanks to the fine leadership of fourth Editor-in-Chief Tatsuo Arai.

Let's see how this journal advances in the next decade!

Cite this article as:
M. Kaneko, “Congratulations on the 20th Memorial Year!,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.20 No.1, p. 5, 2008.
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