
JRM Vol.18 No.6 pp. 760-764
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2006.p0760


Human and Object Detection in Smoke-Filled Space Using Millimeter-Wave Radar Based Measurement

Yoshimitsu Aoki and Masaki Sakai

Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan

April 7, 2006
August 21, 2006
December 20, 2006
millimeter-wave radar, gyroscope sensor, three-dimensional image processing, object detection, three-dimensional space reconstruction
One of the greatest problems in rescue operations during fire disasters is the blocking of firefighters’ view by dense smoke. Assuming that a firefighter’s most important task is to understand the situation within a smoke-filled space. We developed a way to do so, starting by scanning space using millimeter-wave radar combined with a gyrosensor. To detect persons and objects, we constructed a 3D map from signal reflection datasets using 3D image processing. We detail our proposal and report results of measurement experiment in actual smoke-filled areas.
Cite this article as:
Y. Aoki and M. Sakai, “Human and Object Detection in Smoke-Filled Space Using Millimeter-Wave Radar Based Measurement,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.18 No.6, pp. 760-764, 2006.
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