
JRM Vol.17 No.1 pp. 44-51
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2005.p0044


Zero Carrier: A Novel Eight Leg-Wheels Hybrid Stair Climbing Mobile Vehicle

Jianjun Yuan, and Shigeo Hirose

Hirose and Yoneda Lab. - Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan

September 21, 2004
December 20, 2004
February 20, 2005
leg-wheel hybrid, stair climbing mobile vehicle, stair climbing wheelchair, Zero Carrier
In this paper, we first introduce the proposal of this leg-wheel hybrid stair climbing mobile vehicle, “Zero Carrier,” which consists of eight independent prismatic-joint legs, four active wheels, and four passive casters. Zero Carrier can perform safe and stable three-dimensional motion. After making a short description of its simplified and unified leg mechanism and its control system, we discuss the control method and its automatic moving sequence on stairs or obstacles using distance sensors, proximity sensors, and electric current sensors, then verify its performance based on some experiments. Its lightweight, compactness, economy, and high stability on stair climbing motion are expected to gain Zero Carrier wide use in complex environment such as hospitals, schools, and stations.
Cite this article as:
J. Yuan and S. Hirose, “Zero Carrier: A Novel Eight Leg-Wheels Hybrid Stair Climbing Mobile Vehicle,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.17 No.1, pp. 44-51, 2005.
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