
JRM Vol.16 No.4 pp. 346-347
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2004.p0346


Applications of Motion Control Originated from Robot Technology

Kazuhiro Kosuge

Tohoku University, Aoba-yama 01, Sendai 980-8579, Japan

August 9, 2004
August 9, 2004
August 20, 2004
robot, motion control, applications, RT, systems
A new research model proposed by the Science Council of Japan in 1999 [1, 2] is based on how research is conducted and culturally integrated into society. Motion control systems developed for robots as part of the robot technology (RT) has potential applications both in actual robot systems and other systems, as demonstrated in several examples showing how motion control schemes developed for robots can be used.
Cite this article as:
K. Kosuge, “Applications of Motion Control Originated from Robot Technology,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.16 No.4, pp. 346-347, 2004.
Data files:
  1. [1] The Third Committee, The 17th Science Council of Japan, “Towards a new research paradigm,” National Council of Japan, April 1999 (in Japanese).
  2. [2] S. Iwasaki, “A New Direction of Science in Japan – from Strategic Research to Model Research,” Seminar of the Academy of Finland, February 5, pp. 12-19, 1999.
  3. [3] K. Kosuge, “Service RT Systems,” Field and Service Robotics: Recent Advanced in Research and Applications, edited by S. Yuta et al., Springer, to appear.
  4. [4] Japan Robot Association, “Strategy for Creation of Society with Robots in 21st Century,” Japan Robot Association, May 2001 (in Japanese).
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  11. [11] K. Kosuge, Y. Fujisawa, and T. Fukuda, “Control of Mechanical System with Man-machine Interaction,” Proceedings of IROS 1992, pp. 87-92, 1992.

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