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HELIOS VII: a New Tracked Arm-Equipped Vehicle
Michele Guarnieri*, Paulo Debenest*, Takao Inoh**, and Shigeo Hirose*
*Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
**NPO International Rescue System Institute, Kawasaki, Japan
Received:April 6, 2003Accepted:May 19, 2003Published:October 20, 2003
Keywords:rescue, tracked vehicle, simulation
Crawled vehicles have a considerable importance for rescue operations and tasks performed in damaged areas. On tracked vehicles a great deal of research has been made. However, due to the variety of the sceneries in which robots are required to work, it is important to design vehicles with high terrain adaptability and capable to fulfill different tasks. After an overview of the merits on the state of the art of research on crawled vehicles, the important features of a tracked vehicle are introduced and explained. The new robot Helios VII is presented. The motions that it can realize are verified through simulations and some mechanical solutions applied in the mechanical design are also explained.
Cite this article as:M. Guarnieri, P. Debenest, T. Inoh, and S. Hirose, “HELIOS VII: a New Tracked Arm-Equipped Vehicle,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.5, pp. 508-515, 2003.Data files:
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