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Psychophysiological Effects by Interaction with Mental Commit Robot
Teruaki Mitsui*,**, Takanori Shibata*,***, Kazuyoshi Wada* and Kazuo Tanie*
*National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Umezono Tsukuba 305-8568, Japan
**Gifu Prefectural Institute of Production Information Technology, 4-179-19 Sue-cho Kagamihara 509-0108
Received:November 15, 2001Accepted:February 10, 2002Published:February 20, 2002
Keywords:robot, human interface, mechatronics and robotics, physiological measurement, autonomic response, POMS, SD method, subjectivity
We have been working on research and development of mental commit robot which aims to provide humans mental effects such as enjoyment and relaxation. In the previous research, we have performed subjective evaluation of mental commit robot by some interview forms. The results showed physical interaction improved subjective evaluations. Moreover, a priori knowledge of a subject had influence into subjective interpretation and valuation. In this paper, we applied physiological measurements to investigate influence to human by physical interaction with mental commit robot. As physiological measurements, we applied the electrocardiogram (EGG), respiration rate and the electrodermal response (EDR). And we measured mood state and liking for the object by using the profile of mood states (POMS) and SD method. The finding of experiments suggested changes of autonomic response and mood state caused by physical interaction with mental coconut robot. Moreover, it was suggested that there were some differences in autonomic response by subjectivity.
Cite this article as:T. Mitsui, T. Shibata, K. Wada, and K. Tanie, “Psychophysiological Effects by Interaction with Mental Commit Robot,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14 No.1, pp. 20-26, 2002.Data files:
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