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Distributed Robust Motion Controller for Redundant Manipulator Using Disturbance Observer
Naoki Oda
Department of Photonics Applied System, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, 758-65, Bibi, Chitose, Hokkaido, 066-8655, Japan
Received:April 25, 2001Accepted:July 11, 2001Published:October 20, 2001
Keywords:redundant manipulator, motion control, disturbance observer
In this paper, a distributed controller of the motion system with redundancy is proposed by using a disturbance observer. The motion controller of a redundant manipulator must simplify calculation, including task planning of redundant motion for use of redundancy. This paper proposes a distributed solution without excess calculation by observing interactive acceleration between subtask space. Then the proposed approach does not require strict mapping of the subtask vector into the null space of the Jacobian matrix and the introduction of the variable ratio of disturbance suppression makes it possible to consider the independence of the user-defined additional task. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by simulation.
Cite this article as:N. Oda, “Distributed Robust Motion Controller for Redundant Manipulator Using Disturbance Observer,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.13 No.5, pp. 464-471, 2001.Data files:
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