
JRM Vol.12 No.3 pp. 318-324
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2000.p0318


Human Dynamic Skill in High Speed Actions and Its Realization by Robot

Aiguo Ming and Makoto Kajitani

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-city, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan

January 25, 2000
March 1, 2000
June 20, 2000
human skill, motion control, dynamic coupling drive, high speed manipulator, golf swing
This paper describes human dynamic skill of motion control in high speed actions (e.g. hitting actions) and its application to development of ultra-high-speed manipulator. Human skill is investigated by measuring the motion of human hammering action and analyzing from kinetics, and is called as multi-step acceleration by dynamic coupling drive. According to the results, basic concept for ultra-high-speed manipulator to realize human dynamic skill is given. As a simple example, a golf swing robot with one actuated joint and one passive joint with stopper, and a control method to realize two-step acceleration by dynamic coupling drive are proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism and control method is confirmed by simulation results.
Cite this article as:
A. Ming and M. Kajitani, “Human Dynamic Skill in High Speed Actions and Its Realization by Robot,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.3, pp. 318-324, 2000.
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