
JRM Vol.12 No.2 pp. 118-125
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2000.p0118


Assembly Support Based on Human Model -Provision of Physical Support According to Implicit Desire for Support-

Yasuhisa Hayakawa, Ikuo Kitagishi, Yusuke Kira, Kensuke Satake, Tetsuya Ogata and Shigeki Sugano

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Ohkubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan

July 17, 1999
September 12, 1999
April 20, 2000
human-machine cooperation, assembly work support, human model, human intention
This study presents a method of cooperative systems, determining when support is necessary by understanding human intention. We focus on assembly and propose self-organized human information to extract human intention for use in system support. Such a system would realize provision of support without a strict model of the assembly target given in advance. This would enable support in cases where neither the assembly process, nor the final form of the completed task, is known to the system. First, a method of extracting human intention by observing human is presented. Next, a support system constructed for the assembly work cooperation is described. Experiments were conducted to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the system. Results show that assembly support, extracted as human intention, is effective in improving performance and increasing friendliness.
Cite this article as:
Y. Hayakawa, I. Kitagishi, Y. Kira, K. Satake, T. Ogata, and S. Sugano, “Assembly Support Based on Human Model -Provision of Physical Support According to Implicit Desire for Support-,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.2, pp. 118-125, 2000.
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