
JRM Vol.11 No.4 pp. 251-257
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1999.p0251


Analysis of an Opto-Pneumatic Control System and Improvement of its Control Performance

Tetsuya Akagi*, Shujiro Dohta** and Hisashi Matsushita**

*Department of Electronics and Control Engineering, Tsuyama National college of Technology, 624-1 Numa, Tsuyama, Okayama 708-8509, Japan

**Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University of Science, 1-1 Ridai-cho, Okayama 700-0005, Japan

March 31, 1999
April 2, 1999
August 20, 1999
opto-pneumatic control system, optical servo valve, sliding mode control scheme, computer simulation
This paper describes an analysis of an opto-pneumatic control system and an improvement of control performance of the system. The opto-pneumatic system consists of an optical servo valve, a pneumatic cylinder and a cart. First, we built an analytical model of the system considering a nonlinear friction where exists in sliding parts. And we confirmed the validity of the proposed model by comparing theoretical results with experimental results of the characteristics of optical servo valve and cart position control. Then, we applied a sliding mode control scheme compensating a steady-state disturbance to multi- position control and follow-up control of a cart. By computer simulation, we confirmed that the control performance of opto-pneumatic control system was improved by using this control scheme.
Cite this article as:
T. Akagi, S. Dohta, and H. Matsushita, “Analysis of an Opto-Pneumatic Control System and Improvement of its Control Performance,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.11 No.4, pp. 251-257, 1999.
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