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Development of Ultra-Wide-Angle Laser Range Sensor and Navigation of a Mobile Robot in a Corridor Environment
Yoshinobu Ando, Takashi Tsubouchi and Shin’ichi Yuta
University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tenodai, Tsukuba, lbaraki 305-8573, Japan
Received:August 6, 1998Accepted:November 6, 1998Published:February 20, 1999
Keywords:mobile robot, navigation, laser range sensor
The present authors developed a laser range sensor with an ultra-wide view angle and a navigation scheme for a mobile robot to move along a corridor. Although the range sensor uses orthodox triangulation in measurement, the detectable angle is extended to 260 degrees. This ultra-wide-angle sensor consists of 5 laser fan beam projectors and 3 CCD cameras. All fan beams from laser projectors are aligned in one plane parallel to the floor, and beam reflections on objects are detected by CCD cameras with super-wide-angle lenses. This paper presents schemes for obtaining range data with the sensor and for following along a corridor and some results on long corridor navigation.
Cite this article as:Y. Ando, T. Tsubouchi, and S. Yuta, “Development of Ultra-Wide-Angle Laser Range Sensor and Navigation of a Mobile Robot in a Corridor Environment,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.11 No.1, pp. 25-32, 1999.Data files: