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Sheet Sticking and Jamming Caused by Creases and Curling
Kazushi Yoshida*, Noriaki Hagiwara** and Masaaki Aida***
*Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., 502 Kandatsu, Tsuchiura-shi, lbaraki 300-0013, Japan
**Mechatronics Systems Division, Hitachi Ltd., 1 lkegami, Owariasahi, Aichi 488-8501, Japan
***Oaza Tomioka 46-1, Nakajo-cho, Kita-Kabahara-gun, Niigata 959-2608, Japan
Received:December 17, 1997Accepted:January 23, 1998Published:June 20, 1998
Keywords:Information proceccing equipment, Business equipment, Elasticity, Paper jamming, Creased sheet, Curled sheet, Deformation, Method of Prediction
Paper-processing devices such as printers, copiers, and automated teller machines are finding wide application in the modern community. A common problem they have is paper jams, which can only be avoided by understanding paper behavior in the feed path. In our technique for predicting paper stick and jamming, we introduce a formulation for deformed paper using a spring-mass-beam model, Lagrange multipliers, and functions expressing the guide plate configuration. Results for curling deformation in a sheet moving in the feed path of a printer indicate that our method predicts sticking and jamming in creased or curled sheets.
Cite this article as:K. Yoshida, N. Hagiwara, and M. Aida, “Sheet Sticking and Jamming Caused by Creases and Curling,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.10 No.3, pp. 214-220, 1998.Data files: