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Manipulation of Sheet Metal by Multiple Robots
Kazuhiro Kosuge*, Hidehiro Yoshida**, Toshio Fukuda***, Kiyoshi Kanitani**** and Masaru Sakai****
*Dept. of Machine Intelligence and Systems Eng., Tohoku University, Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845, Japan
**Production Engineering Laboratory, Corporate Production Engineering Division, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., 2-7 Matsuba-cho, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-0056, Japan
***Dept. of Micro System Engineering, Nagoya University, 1 Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-0814, Japan
****NACHI-FUJIKOSHI CORP., 1-1-1 Fujikoshi-honmachi, Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-8511, Japan
Received:February 3, 1998Accepted:March 28, 1998Published:June 20, 1998
Keywords:Robot, Finite-element method, Manipulation, Sheet metal, Deformation
We propose a control algorithm for multiple manipulators handling flexible metal and discuss how to deform and manipulate sheet metal. We use a finite element method to derive the relationship between static deformation of sheet metal and bending and twisting moments exerted on it. We design a control algorithm to control deformation using internal force applied to the sheet. Experimental results obtained from two industrial robots verify the proposed control system’s validity.
Cite this article as:K. Kosuge, H. Yoshida, T. Fukuda, K. Kanitani, and M. Sakai, “Manipulation of Sheet Metal by Multiple Robots,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.10 No.3, pp. 170-177, 1998.Data files: