
JRM Vol.9 No.4 pp. 299-303
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1997.p0299

Development Report:

Soft Computing with New Physical Measure of Controllability for Intelligent Control of the Two-Link Manipulator (1st Report: Study of Free Motion of Nonlinear Control Object)

Viktor S. Ulyanov*, Kazuo Yamafuji*, Sergei V. Ulyanov**,
Ludmila V. Litvintseva*, and Kan Taguchi***

*Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering,

***Cooperative Research Center, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182, Japan

**Human Technology Dept., Research & Development Div. Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., 2500 Shingai, lwata-shi, Shizuoka 438, Japan

April 11, 1997
June 9, 1997
August 20, 1997
Soft computing, Two-links manipulator, Entropy production, Lyapanov function
The free motion of a two-link manipulator as a nonlinear system is studied, and the interrelation between the Lyapunov function (criteria of dynamic stability) and entropy production of a mechanical motion for intelligent robust force control are introduced. A new physical measure of controllability as minimum entropy production is proposed and discussed, and the efficiency of the new physical measure for global control object stability was examined by 3D computer simulation.
Cite this article as:
V. Ulyanov, K. Yamafuji, S. Ulyanov, L. Litvintseva, and K. Taguchi, “Soft Computing with New Physical Measure of Controllability for Intelligent Control of the Two-Link Manipulator (1st Report: Study of Free Motion of Nonlinear Control Object),” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.9 No.4, pp. 299-303, 1997.
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