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Pantomime Effect and Sustaining Cues in the Perception of a 3-D Illusory Transparent Object with Binocular Viewing
Qi Zhang, Masanori Idesawa and Yutaka Sakaguchi
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182 Japan
Received:November 19, 1996Accepted:December 20, 1996Published:February 20, 1997
Keywords:Visual illusion, 3-D illusion, Binocular viewing, Pantomime effect, Sustaining cues, Occlusion cues, Transparent object, Volume perception
A new visual effect --- "pantomime" effect has been found in transparent object perception with binocular viewing. It is induced by the visual stimuli sustaining cues arranged in suitable relations. Sustaining cues played different roles in this effect according to their positions, they can be classified into three types: font-, side-, and back- sustaining cues. It was also found that this effect was closely related to occlusion perception; front-sustaining cues can be regarded as a kind of bulky occusion cues in opaque object perception. In addition, we show that several kinds of sustaining cues induce the perception of different kinds of illusory transparent objects.
Cite this article as:Q. Zhang, M. Idesawa, and Y. Sakaguchi, “Pantomime Effect and Sustaining Cues in the Perception of a 3-D Illusory Transparent Object with Binocular Viewing,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.9 No.1, pp. 79-82, 1997.Data files: