
JRM Vol.8 No.6 pp. 571-579
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1996.p0571


Study of the Stability and Motion Control of a Unicycle (5th Report: Experimental Results by Fuzzy Gain Schedule PD Controllers)

Zaiquan Sheng*, Kazuo Yamafuji* and Sergei V. Ulyanov*

*Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, University of Electro-communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu Tokyo, 182 Japan

August 19, 1996
October 20, 1996
December 20, 1996
Unicycle, Postural stability, Fuzzy gain schedule PD controller, 3D posture, Gyrosensors, Longitudinal and lateral stability
In this paper, the use of three gyrosensors for detection of a unicycle robot's posture in three dimensions, and experiments on the unicycle robot's postural stability control are conducted with fuzzy gain schedule PD control. Experimental results show that both the robot's longitudinal and lateral posture can be stabilized successfully. Comparing the experimental results with one PD and one D controller, those by two fuzzy gain schedule PD controllers are much better. Real-time experimental results indicate that the fuzzy gain schedule PD control proposed here is quite effective in robot postural stability control. Experimental results also show that proposed fuzzy gain schedule PD control provides a reasonable approach to handling nonlinear problems that exist in the system.
Cite this article as:
Z. Sheng, K. Yamafuji, and S. Ulyanov, “Study of the Stability and Motion Control of a Unicycle (5th Report: Experimental Results by Fuzzy Gain Schedule PD Controllers),” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.8 No.6, pp. 571-579, 1996.
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