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Ultrasonic Telemetering System for the Electrocardiograms of Scuba Divers
Etsuzo Ohdaira and Masao Ide
Musashi Institute of Technology, 1-28-1 Tamatsutsumi, Setagaya, Tokyo, 158 Japan
Received:November 2, 1995Accepted:November 15, 1995Published:April 20, 1996
Keywords:Ultrasonic transmittable telemeter, Human properties in underwater, Scuba divers, Safety of underwater workers, Biotelemetry
Cite this article as:E. Ohdaira and M. Ide, “Ultrasonic Telemetering System for the Electrocardiograms of Scuba Divers,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.8 No.2, pp. 183-189, 1996.Data files: