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A Reactive Wall Following Algorithm and Its Behavior of an Autonomous Mobile Robot with Sonar Ring
Yoshinobu Ando, Takashi Tsubouchi and Shin’ichi Yuta
Intelligent Robot Laboratory, Institute of Information Science and Electronics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 Japan
Received:January 6, 1996Accepted:January 16, 1996Published:February 20, 1996
Keywords:Wall following, Sonar ring, Autonomous mobile robot
A robust wall following algorithm for an autonomous mobile robot with a sonar ring is presented. A sonar ring consists of multiple ultrasonic range sensors which are arranged on a disc. The proposed wall-following algorithm has an ability to make a robot follow walls in various shapes. The algorithm is described as a collection of reactions based on the data from the sonar ring. The autonomous mobile robot "Yamabico" is used to demonstrate the experimental behaviors of the proposed algorithm. Several experimental examples of the behaviors with this autonomous mobile robot are illustrated in this paper.
Cite this article as:Y. Ando, T. Tsubouchi, and S. Yuta, “A Reactive Wall Following Algorithm and Its Behavior of an Autonomous Mobile Robot with Sonar Ring,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.8 No.1, pp. 33-39, 1996.Data files: