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Hybrid Robot System Fire-Defense in High-Rise Buildings
Toshihisa Naruse* and Yoshinori Takada**
*Robotics Development Division, Komatsu Ltd., 2-3-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan
**Measuring Engineering Division, Komatsu Engineering Corp., 1144-1, Shinomiya, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa., 254 Japan
Received:September 12, 1995Accepted:October 12, 1995Published:October 20, 1995
Keywords:Hybrid robot, Robot system, Fire-defense, High-rise building
Due to the recent increase in the number of high-rise buildings, fire-defense is attracting much attention. When a fire occurs in a high-rise building, the area of firefighting is restricted because the ladder of a fire engine has a short reach. A solution to this problem lead is a hybrid robot. The robot maintains the building under normal conditions; and in case of a fire, it assists in fire-defense by replacing the Maintenance Unit with a Fire-Defense Assist Unit. The main characteristics of the robot are as follows. (1) It is possible to replace the Maintenance Unit with a Fire-defense Assist Unit. (2) It is possible to move horizontal along the surface of the building with guide rail. (3) It is possible to monitor rooms through glass by a device that consists of a CCD camera and an sinfrared imaging device. (4) It is possible to cut windows in building for Fire-defense Assist. A 3-year feasibility study of the robot since 1990 led to the fundamental design. Practical testing of a prototype model confirmed the validity of its several fundamental functions and performance.
Cite this article as:T. Naruse and Y. Takada, “Hybrid Robot System Fire-Defense in High-Rise Buildings,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.7 No.5, pp. 377-382, 1995.Data files: