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Performance Evaluation of Experimental Device for Space Robot
Hironori A. Fujii*, Kenji Uchiyama* and Tsugito Maruyama**
* Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Asahigaoka 6-6, Hino, Tokyo 191, Japan
** Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, Kamiodanaka 1015, Nakaharaku, Kawasaki 211, Japan
Received:June 28, 1994Accepted:July 11, 1994Published:October 20, 1994
Keywords:Space robot, Micro-gravity condition, Suspension system
An experimental system simulating the dynamic behavior of a space manipulator is illustrated in this paper. It is constructed for the purpose of technological demonstration and performance evaluation of space robot. The system consists of a model of space robot having dual manipulators, suspension system, and control system. The model is hung by wire at each joint of the manipulator to cancel the effect of the gravitational force on the ground. The value of wire tension is maintained constant to provide a ground simulation of the dynamic behavior of the manipulator in space. Accelerometers are employed to evaluate the micro-gravity condition for the present experimental device. The dynamics of the twolink manipulator with rigid link is analyzed numerically and experimentally, employing the present facility through the inspection of their dynamic features. In the present paper, the motion of the manipulator is restricted in the vertical plane as the first stage of study. The motion of a free-flying robot is also simulated in the experiment. The results of the numerical simulation and ,the experiment are presented to show the sufficient capability of the ground simulation to study dynamcal behavior of the manipulator in space.
Cite this article as:H. Fujii, K. Uchiyama, and T. Maruyama, “Performance Evaluation of Experimental Device for Space Robot,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.6 No.5, pp. 384-389, 1994.Data files: