
JRM Vol.6 No.4 pp. 327-331
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1994.p0327

Development Report:

Active Vibration Control System for Tall Structures

Tetsuo Suzuki, Mitsuru Kageyama, Arihide Nobata

Obayashi Corp., 4-640 Shimo Kiyoto, Kiyose, Tokyo, 204 Japan

June 2, 1994
June 10, 1994
August 20, 1994
Active vibration control, Multiple modes control, Robustness, Tall structures, Living comfort
The authors, concerned with the enhancement of living comfort in tall structures during strong winds or medium to small-scale earthquakes, have developed an active vibration control system which is capable of controlling a multiple number of vibration modes at the same time, and have already demonstrated the usefulness of this system by conducting verification experiments using a small device1) and an actual-size device2). And this time, an active vibration control system based on the research results obtained up to now has been applied to an actual structure for the first time in the world. This report describes an outline of this system.
Cite this article as:
T. Suzuki, M. Kageyama, and A. Nobata, “Active Vibration Control System for Tall Structures,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.6 No.4, pp. 327-331, 1994.
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