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Robust Control for a Flexible Structure Possessing Transverse-Torsional Coupled Vibration
Toru Watanabe and Kazuo Yoshida
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 223 Japan
Received:March 17, 2023Accepted:March 25, 2023Published:June 20, 1994
Keywords:Vibration control, Flexible structure, Robust control, μ-synthesis, H∞ control
In this paper robust stability and robust performance between an ordinary H-infinity controller and μ-controller are compared for the case of vibration control of a flexible structure using two active dynamic vibration absorbers. The structure possesses eight transverse-torsional coupled vibration modes, and the aim of this study is to reduce transverse and torsional vibrations simultaneously. After some control experiments were carried out, it was confirmed that the μ-controller shows better robust stability and robust performance than an ordinary H-infinity controller
Cite this article as:T. Watanabe and K. Yoshida, “Robust Control for a Flexible Structure Possessing Transverse-Torsional Coupled Vibration,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.6 No.3, pp. 237-242, 1994.Data files: