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Development and Motion Control of the All-Direction Steering-Type Mobile Robot (2nd Report: Principle, Control Methods and Experiments on Steering of the Robot)
Atsushi Koshiyama and Kazuo Yamafuji*
Sony Corporation, 6-7-35, Kita-shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo 141, Japan
*University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182, Japan
Received:December 8, 1992Accepted:December 20, 1992Published:April 20, 1993
Keywords:Robotics, Mobile Robot, Spherical Monowheel, Controlling Arch, Arched Body, Mechatronics, Spiral Rotation Method
This paper reports the principle, control methods and experimental results of the steering control of a spherically shaped, all-direction steering-type mobile robot developed in this study. By applying a spiral rotation method proposed here, we achieved the robot's rotational and steering controls. Angle detection mechanisms for the robot's posture and measuring methods are also detailed. By virtue of the one-point contact with the ground and the aforementioned rotation principle of rotations, the robot can perform unique rotational actions. Furthermore, we confirmed that the postural stability control of the arched body shown in the previous papers contributed to speeding up the rotation of the robot. The experimental results show that the cooperative controls of the arched body, the controlling arch and the wheel make the robot travel in all directions and adds to the maneuverability of the robot. Therefore, it is expected that the robot has great capabilities not only in service applications but also as an amusement robot for personal and other applications.
Cite this article as:A. Koshiyama and K. Yamafuji, “Development and Motion Control of the All-Direction Steering-Type Mobile Robot (2nd Report: Principle, Control Methods and Experiments on Steering of the Robot),” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.5 No.2, pp. 150-157, 1993.Data files: